
Poetry, photos, misc.


~ Interval ~ 3/10/02. This grew out of a discussion with my wife about the linearity of time. I was trying to convince her that I was her first love even if I wasn't because time does not run in a straight line in hours and minutes....but by the importance of the event...therefore, the first thing that happened in the history of time....the most important... was our first kiss. Makes sense right??? Well, it does to me.


I see the truth unfolding in my dreams;
our love exists as interwoven time.
But time is not as simple as it seems,
as basic as the meter in a rhyme.

Our time together doesn't seem to play
into the universe as now defined,
for time's no mere division of the day,
to universal pendulums confined.

But, linear, kinetic, all askew,
arrayed in any manner that may be,
no matter how defined, my love for you
exists in every moment granted me.

And only God himself could grant us this...
the universe began with our first kiss.

~ © 2002 By: W.D.Neighbors ~

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