
Poetry, photos, misc.


South of Clarity

"A constantly revolving parallax,"
perhaps describes the nature of my brain,
Unpolished, precious stone with tiny cracks,
where logic begs emotion to refrain
from taking over processes of thought;
where feelings beg of logic, "take a chance",
In both directions all of this for naught,
which serves to fuel insanity’s advance.

I've given all the time I care to give
to finding what my friends would call "a cure",
and frankly it is comforting to live
within the northern border of obscure.

The beauty lies in that the beauty lies…
in vain they search the babble for the wise.

The beauty lies in that the beauty lies
in places never pierced by crystal eyes.

The beauty lies in that the beauty lies
in murkiness that never clarifies.

(pick your favorite ending ....I can't decide.)

© Copyright 2005 Wayne D. Neighbors

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